Hayley Bolan
May 19, 2021


Focusing On my Art

Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you all know I’ve been focusing on my painting more than my writing latley and I’m sorry I haven’t been active on here with reading everyone’s writing. I’m trying to find a good balance… I work 2 jobs as well so it gets difficult! I thought Id share some of my paintings! I’m very proud of them and I’m hoping to someday be able to be a full time artist but… in this world it’s hard to even get that going.

I can hope though! 😊

I have so many now, I need more space 😂 I hope everyone enjoys my creations and I am going to try my best to be more active on here!



Hayley Bolan

Just an empathetic woman; trying to figure out this crazy life. Coffee keeps me sane and kindness is what I run on 😊 Insta: Thoughts_Of_Color