Hayley Bolan
Apr 16, 2021


The Hurt That Lingers

I’ve repressed the emotions all my life.

Abstract Painting By Author.

Flashbacks taking control
Depression taking a toll
I feel like I’m losing what I’ve regained of my soul

Happiness drifting away
Sadness coming to play
Fatigue keeping me at bay

My mind racing all the time
I just need a sign
I feel like I’m walking blind

Losing interest in hobbies I love
All I want to do is run
I don’t even want to be in the sun
I just want to be done

My childhood was taken before I was twelve
I need help
To figure out
Why I had to be destroyed
On someone else’s account

Hayley Bolan 2021.



Hayley Bolan

Just an empathetic woman; trying to figure out this crazy life. Coffee keeps me sane and kindness is what I run on 😊 Insta: Thoughts_Of_Color